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... posted on May 11 2003, 282 reads


Each year water-related diseases kill more people than AIDS and cancer combined. Just today, more than 25,000 people will die because of unsafe drinking water.... posted on May 10 2003, 1,002 reads


Imagine practicing law where the bottom line is "win-win"? Sounds unlikely? Well that’s just what a new breed of “Renaissance Lawyers” are doing.... posted on May 09 2003, 1,152 reads


Nearly seven years have past since Kathy Lee Gifford wept on national TV over revelations that her Wal-Mart clothing line was made by children laboring in Central American sweatshops. That scandal helped raise awareness of the burgeoning anti-sweatshop movement. Today, one LA company, TeamX, is out to change the 30 billion dollar garment industry.... posted on May 08 2003, 829 reads


Searching for the comics in the local paper, a front-page article caught Craig Kielburger's attention. He read about a young boy from Pakistan who was sold into bondage as a carpet weaver, escaped and was murdered for speaking out against child labor. Craig gathered a group of friends and founded the organization 'Kids Can Free The Children'. Seven years later, he has visited 40 countries, writt... posted on May 07 2003, 967 reads


In the summer of 1952 Mildred Norman, traveling alone, hiked the entire length of the 2050 mile-long Appalachian Trail. She was the first woman to accomplish this feat. It turned out to be a practice run. From 1953 until 1981, she walked more than 25,000 miles across the United States , bearing the simplest of messages: this is the way of peace-overcome evil with good, and falsehood with truth, a... posted on May 06 2003, 1,069 reads


... posted on May 05 2003, 828 reads


... posted on May 04 2003, 2,030 reads


Often when animal lovers travel, they see animal abuse that disturbs them. Compassionate Traveler's website gives them a place to learn more about a tourist destination before they travel, and it also gives them an opportunity to do something about animal welfare issues they might observe.... posted on May 03 2003, 1,010 reads


More than 50 years ago, a little book called 'The Power of Positive Thinking' took the world by storm. Written by a minister, Dr. Normal Vincent Peale, the book was a mix of natural psychological insight and faith-based principles applied to everyday problems of living. The publishers are re-releasing the book now.... posted on May 02 2003, 1,049 reads


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Bliss does not come from outside. It comes from inside, from serving the people.
Anna Hazare

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